Mr Lincoln's Whiskers
by Karen B Winnick
ISBN: 1563974851
Copyright 1996
30 pages
Recommended ages: 4-10
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President Abraham Lincoln was the first president of the U S to wear a beard.
He may have been inspired to do so by a letter he received from a young supporter in 1860 named Grace Bedell.
On Mr Bedell's return from the World's Fair, he surprised each of his children with a gift. Grace's gift was a campaign poster of Mr Lincoln. That night, her family had a discussion about race relations and the presidency, and Grace studied her photograph. She thought Mr Lincoln looked sad, but as the moonlight fell on her poster, it created a shadow that almost made it seem as if Mr Lincoln had a beard, which she thought made him look softer and happier.
So she wrote a letter to her favorite candidate. She told him she would vote for him (if she could vote), and her father would vote for him and half of her brothers would vote for him, and if he would wear a beard he would look better, and then everybody would vote for him! Grace sent her letter off and, despite being discouraged by the postmaster, she returned every day afterward waiting for a reply. On the seventh day, it came! After pleasantries, Mr Lincoln asked if Grace thought people would think it a “silly affection” if he started wearing whiskers now, just during the campaign?
Grace watched the men of her family go off to vote on Election Day and wished for Lincoln's triumph.
A day later, they learned he won the election. A month later, Grace learned that Mr Lincoln's train would be stopping in her little town of Westfield, NY, as it traveled from Springfield, IL, to Washington, DC!
When the time came, Grace joined the crowd at the station to try to get a glimpse of Mr Lincoln, and what do you think? He specifically asked for her! What a surprise as she was hurried to the front of the platform to meet the President. And he was bearded!
This is a beautiful book. The oil paintings are rather stiff, reminiscent of woodcuts almost, fitting to the time period and serious tone of the book. Whether it is factually true or not, I appreciate the reminder that families disagreed (and disagree) when it comes to presidential politics, and that less than half of the population of the U S could vote at this time.
The frontispiece and endpiece of this hardcover edition are reproductions of the letters exchanged between Grace and Mr Lincoln, and complete facsimiles of the letters are included at the end of the book. Notice who had more trouble with ink blots!!
An altogether delightful reminder that little ones can make a difference – they may have the ear of a president!
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