Solidarity with Homeschool Moms, Bibliophiles, Nerds, and other Creative Types

Welcome to my blog!

I'm so glad you are here. I'm a mom like you and I've been homeschooling my children since 2007, but I've been a lit-lover since toddlerhood! I'm not one of those perfect, put-together, Pinterest moms (although Meadowlark Mama is on Pinterest!) I'm a "good enough" homeschool mom, a "read-aloud" homeschool mom, a "collectin' herps (slang for reptiles and amphibians) for nature study" homeschool mom. The only requirement for my readers is that you be weird.

BE UNIQUELY, WEIRDLY YOURSELF and we'll get along great!

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Meet Kristi

Mother of 5, wife, homeschooler, bibliophile, fashionista (debated), thrifter, classicist, amateur herpetologist, military mom, bookseller, nature lover, anglophile, flipper, upcycler, real estate agent, ironic humor appreciator, foodie (“epicurious” I call it), aspiring sailor, devotee of beauty, armchair detective, champion of the arts, follower of Jesus.

What can I help you find?
